Clinton dies and he goes to hell. Satan says, "Bill we have to find a
spot for you for all of eternity."  So Satan takes Bill down a hall
and they come to the first door and opens it. Inside is Bill Gates
being burned at the stake.  "No," Bill balks, "I can't do that for
all eternity."
"Fair enough, " replies Satan.
Satan takes Bill down the hall to a second door.  Inside is Rush
Limbaugh being pulled apart on The Rack.  "No," Bill again balks. "I
can't do that for all of eternity, either,"
Satan takes Bill to the last door.  Inside, Kenneth Starr is being
held up to the wall with chains around his wrists.  At his groin is
Monica Lewinsky giving him a blow job.  Bill smiles.  "Yes," he
shouts, "that's for me," Satan walks into the room and kicks Monica
and shouts, "get up Monica, and get out...... Your replacement's

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